Living With Depression
Occasional feeling of sadness is a natural part of being human. But when these emotions turn into long-lasting feelings of despair with no moments of happiness, the situation could be upsetting. Depression is one such mental illness where you can experience strange emotional disturbances. It changes the way you think, feel and act. Depression becomes […]
Embracing Optimism For Mental Well-being
An optimism is something we’d all like to have. While some people are naturally being positive, an optimism isn’t necessarily something we’re born with. There are many reasons why it’s important to nurture a sense of optimism. Perhaps it is one of the most valuable attributes a person can have. Yes, the effectiveness of optimism […]
Nurturing Mental Health
Nurturing our physical body with balanced diet, exercise and sound sleep is fairly a straightforward matter. But how many of us are aware about nurturing our mental health? I am pretty sure only few of us may understand the gravity of this situation. It’s not our fault. We are living in a society where taking […]
The Core Concept Of Mental Health
There is a wise saying that, “Life is a roller costar ride. It has its ups and downs. But it’s your choice to scream or enjoy the ride.” When you say to scream or enjoy, the role of mental health comes into play. Mental health is an important term that has been widely used these […]