
Anxiety In Old Age

An old age usually picturize as living retirement years in relative comfort and enjoying your leisure time. 

But do you really think old age is as rosy as it seems? 

Obviously not…

Getting old brings its share of challenges. Your health, or that of a loved one, may take an unexpected turn. Retiring from job may shrink your social circle and impact sense of purpose. Further, moving of adult children away from home triggers isolation. And therefore, it is no surprise that late-life gives rise to various mental health related problems such as depression and anxiety. 

Anxiety can affect anyone, still it is one of the most common types of mental illness among people of age 60 and above.

Old age, health problems and loss of independence

When you reache at the age of 60 and above, experiencing health-related issues is a common scenario. 

Hearing loss, cataract, joint pain, diabetes, hypertension, heart problems, depression, chronic respiratory diseases, urinary incontinence and dementia….. And the list is just endless.

Regular hospital visits and purchasing costly medications can be a real hassle for you. Along with that tolerating side-effects of medications creates an environment of fear. If you are living alone the life could be even more difficult. All elders are not lucky to stay with family members. 

Even if you are living with family, issues such as dispute and conflict are on the rise when family have to share space with you. This further enhances feeling of being vulnerable or victimized. 

Being older, your limited mobility due to physical ailments may reduce your ability to get out into the community. Sometimes, change in living arrangement due to migration can leads to diminished social circle. Unfortunately, these issues affect your ability to socialize.

A loss of source of companionship, comfort and socialization enhances feeling of isolation. If you are lonely, definitely it is hard for you to reach out in emergency situation. A sense of nobody is there to listen to you or check on anything concerning can exacerbate existing anxious feelings.

For you, a sense of loss of independence can be isolating. This brings feeling of hopelessness. You may feel guilty as you have to rely on your family members for everyday tasks. The condition is worst if you have a disability and in need of long-term care. 

The idea of loss of freedom can be discouraging and anxiety-provoking for you.

Added to that memory loss is another health issue among old people. And if you are one of the victim, it leads to a deterioration of thinking, memory and behavior. This interferes with your everyday activities as you may face difficulties with memory, attention, communication, reasoning, judgement and problem-solving.

Forgetting can lead to panic when you believe things are no longer as easy as they should be. 

To make the matter worse,  you may face financial hardship because you are not in a position to earn your livelihood. You may be living on the edge. Your saving, if any, may not enough to meet your day to day demands. 

The situation is worst if you are suffering from health issues. Disease treatment is costly and financially disruptive. For older women, economic instability following widowhood brings uncertainty about a future.

Financial uncertainty and related worry can hijack your thought process provoking anxiety.

Grief and loss

Loss can happen at any age, but it is more common as you get older. Common losses for older adults are loss of job and income, loss of loved ones and loss of health. 

Grief is an emotional response of loss. Reminders often bring back the pain of loss sometimes even years later. Such losses can leave you devastated. You may entangled in spiral of negative thoughts and experience more sadness, helplessness and worry.

Fear of death of others, particularly of spouse in later life can trigger the anxiety among older people. Even memorial celebrations is enough to trigger the pain of loss.

This also trigger the thought of end of own life too. 

Yes, death is the fundamental component of human life and perhaps the only thing we have in common. However, the thought of death is the cause for worry and anxiety for elders. 

Making decisions and getting your affairs in order in preparation for when person pass away is anxiety provoking. Even the talk about end-of-life planning make you feel uncomfortable.

It is completely acceptable that aging brings share of challenges and so does the anxiety. But how someone navigate them can make all the difference. 

Improving emotional wellness which involves understanding situation and accepting your feelings can give you a sense of control. 

Also Check : The Art Of Aging Gracefully


Mediclin Brain Health’s content is for informational and educational purposes only. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 

Dr. Minakshi Kadu

Clinical Research Consultant & Blogger

Mediclin Brain Health

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