Are you good at receiving compliments?
If yes, your life will always feel rewarding. Isn’t it..?
Your achievements are incredible things that happen to you. And when you receive compliments for them, life starts to appear meaningful. This could be the reason human being always chase behind success, so that he/she gets showered with praise.
In fact, we all like being appreciated, cared and valued for.
Understanding concept of appreciation
In dictionary word, appreciation means understanding and enjoying the value of something. It is a feeling or expression of admiration or approval and often described in terms such as gratitude, thankfulness, gratefulness, appreciativeness, satisfaction and acknowledgement.
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You do a good deed and someone offers a reassuring gesture…what a wonderful experience for you…isn’t it?
When you get appreciated, you are truly understood for your good qualities. Appreciation delights you when others float praises towards you. When you’re praised and validated for your work, in that moment, you feel good. You develop your sense of self from how you’re perceived by others. This makes you feel cared for and valued.
Now all of a sudden you have all the energy, motivation, drive, and every possible reason to keep going on. This is due to dopamine hit.
Yes, when you enjoy praising from someone your dopamine level increases slightly or on a huge scale.
Being human you are habitual to seek positive feedback. In fact, you thrive on positive feedback. Being valued or appreciated help you reinforce a positive sense of self-worth.
You feel good when someone recognizes or appreciated your goodness, wisdom or compassion. It feels good to be seen. Being appreciated goes along with being liked. There’s something about liking and being liked that make you feel respected.
When someone offers appreciation, it reminds you that what you’re doing is meaningful. It is wonderful experience to feel that in some small ways, you have added meaning to your life, and you are affecting someone in a positive way.
Human beings are motivated by a “will to meaning”. You flourish when you live with a sense of meaning and purpose. Being appreciated is a way to feel that you’re important to others and you can make a difference in their lives.
It is validating and meaningful to hear that what you are doing is good for others. Plus, it deepens your connection and help to strengthen the relationships. Even it makes you feel happier and more satisfied with your life.
See, being appreciated nourishes your mind and relationships too.
The same is true when you appreciate other person.
In a nutshell, appreciation is a rewarding quality to develop in terms of improving self-value and relationships. It facilitates love and emotional growth. Appreciation is more behavioral and attitudinal and more likely to motivate positive behavior changes.
Cultivating A Sense Of Self-Appreciation
Now you know about the importance of appreciation. Likewise there is another concept called self-appreciation.
Self-appreciation is the practice of acknowledging and valuing your own worth and strengths, even when you don’t get external validation. In simple word, appreciation directed towards one’s self is the art of practicing self-appreciation.
Oftentimes our society don’t emphasize on self-appreciation thinking that it will boost ego. However, very few of us know the power of self-appreciation.
The practice of self-appreciation works wonderfully in areas like work achievements, personal goals and academic successes.
In fact, self-appreciation is one of the most effortless ways to boost self-esteem. It gives you a sense of quality and help to cultivate a mentality of progress, empowering you on a more profound level.
Self-appreciation is the key to experience greater love, acceptance, and self-esteem.
It feels easier to see good qualities you love in someone else rather than acknowledging attributes in yourself. And no, seeing good in you isn’t wrong. It’s quite the opposite.
And more specifically, with feelings of being valued, you will begin to see positive shifts in yourself and the world around you. With more self-love, you’ll start to view yourself and the environment you live in through a lens of value.
As you continue to practice self-appreciation, your relationships with self and others will also improve because you resolve all criticism and judgements.
So, do yourself a favor. Start recognizing your value in this world. It is essential to recognize that you are worthy of self-appreciation. The effort of conscious self-appreciation is crucial for experiencing a healthy outlook about life. And the more you do this, the more likely you are satisfied with the life.
You deserve to give yourself that recognition.
The possibilities are endless once you start acknowledging your value and recognize it with a reward.
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