
Why doesn’t happiness last?

Living a happy life is one of the basic fundamental of human life. 

Isn’t it ?

Yes, when we live happy life everything appears good, excited and worthy. And that could be the reason human is chasing for happiness through various modes.

Whenever good things happen to us, we feel happy. It could be scoring good marks, getting a job, buying a house, getting married etc. Even we sense moments of happiness when we hang out with family, attend function, meet old friend, travel or just go for shopping.

All these events make us to feel happy or even excited about life. 

But does this happiness last long?

definetly not…

After an experience of happiness, there are huge chances that we will land in the darkness of sadness. 

Then we started to ask several questions to ourselves.

Why such things happened to me only?

Why happiness never stays with me?

If you are one of such kind of person, it’s time for you to understand why doesn’t happiness last long ? 

As a protective mechanism

Suppose someone asks you to eat only sweet for whole life, can you do that? Even if you manage to eat so much sweet throughout a day, is it good for your body?

Definitely not…. Because your body needs food that contains all flavours including sweet, spicy, salty and sour. But the key is you need all of them in balance.

Now apply the same logic to your emotions.

Yes, a sense of happiness may boost your moral and make you productive. But don’t you think with too much happiness, you might be ignoring risky areas of life.

Let’s take an example,

Suppose you scored less marks in your exam paper but you are still happy, does it make you to study hard for next examination? 

Definitely no…It is your feeling of sadness that motivates you to study hard for upcoming tests.

Suppose in a state of excitement, you went at the top of the mountain to take selfie, aren’t you unnecessarily risking your life ? 

Definitely yes…But it’s your fear that prevent you from taking unnecessary risks.

Suppose you did major mistake at workplace and you are still happy, aren’t there possibility that you will repeat the same mistake and ruin your own image? 

Definitely yes…But it’s your feeling of guilt and regret that prevent you from repeating same mistakes again and again.

As a human being, our intention is not only to exist but also to survive and evolve. When it comes for our survival and progress, we need good mental abilities like thinking and emotions. And when it comes to emotions, we need both positive and negative feelings.

We need a sense of happiness (positive) to enjoy life, but we also need a sense of fear (negative) to protect ourselves from risky activities.

We need a sense of enthusiasm (positive) to complete office work, but we also need a sense of guilt (negative) to accept and correct our mistakes.

There is no need to stay happy for whole life because we need both our positive and negative feelings to survive, learn, excel and to progress.

Bringing balance in life

Yes, I agree that sometimes negative emotions like sadness, guilt etc take heavy charge over our mind, especially in this digital world where we get negative information on each moment.

It’s completely okay if we feel sad, irritable or even angry for some reasons. Sometimes, in this ocean of sadness we start to realize the real meaning of our life. When we start to analyse our life from both the past and future perspective, we can better set our priorities in life.

So, even if we are feeling low, we don’t need worry. This is the phase and that too shall pass. But we should make sure that we should not get stuck in the cycle of negativity.

We must cultivate the ability to create a balance between positive and negative by choosing good thoughts over bad thoughts. It is important to stay updated, but we don’t need to consume all information coming on our way.

Unfortunately human life is the combination of good and bad events. So, we are going to experience both positive and negative feelings. Ultimately, what we need is to bring balance in those feelings.

Also Check : Finding Happiness In A Material World


Mediclin Brain Health’s content is for informational and educational purposes only. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 

Dr. Minakshi Kadu

Clinical Research Consultant & Blogger

Mediclin Brain Health

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