Now-a-day, mental health is gaining significant importance and so does the psychological well-being. As more awareness is brought into the public conversation about mental health, people started to prioritize their psychological wellbeing to bring more meaning to their lives.
Yes, it is becoming increasingly clear that your psychological wellbeing is the key component of your mental wellness. Over the past decades, evidence for the mental and physical health benefits of good psychological wellbeing has been seen extensively. So much so, that psychological wellness has been linked with longevity and leading a great life too.
The concept of psychological wellbeing
When people talk about psychological wellbeing, they generally considered it as a state of mental toughness.
However, psychological wellbeing is very broad term and has closer association with your way of living your life. As another step further, it refers to how you see your life and assess your own situations.
The concept of psychological wellbeing has its roots in positive psychology. Positive psychology which is otherwise known as the science of human flourishing, focuses on positive aspects of life – what we call positive thinking. This can lead to cultivation of positive emotions causing positive change in mood and feeling of happiness.
And when you are in a good mood, everything seems manageable.
But do you really think just feeling happy make you content?
Yes, there is something bigger to make you feel satisfied and that is functioning effectively.
Functioning effectively means being purposeful, which can give direction to your life. This also relates to functioning well within one’s self and in relationships with others.
As a purposeful individual, you guide your own behaviour to meet your own needs and wants. You seek opportunities to cultivate warm and intimate relationships with others that bring satisfying social connect. This allows personal growth, a sense of mastery and meaningful social relationships.
To really feel good you need to experience purpose and meaning that make your life complete. That means psychological wellbeing is all about lives going well and feeling positively overall about your life.
Together, psychological wellbeing encompasses the psychological health of an individual in terms of happiness, contentment, life satisfaction and feelings of accomplishments. This also determines your level of enjoyment, pleasure, coping, emotional regulation and healthy problem solving.
Benefits of psychological wellbeing
As mentioned earlier, a psychological wellbeing ensures that you live healthy, productive, and meaningful lives. And therefore, beneficial effects can be experienced in every aspect of your life.
And likely that the benefits will spill into other areas of your life including adopting healthy behaviour; promoting healthy relationships and achieving healthy workplace experiences.
Simply said, psychological wellbeing is crucial for better physical health, social relationships and subsequently longer life expectancy.
Your quality of life improves as you see yourself emotionally satisfying and functioning more fully to your potential and capacities.
But that doesn’t mean psychological wellbeing is the absence of life’s challenges.
Adversity and experiencing of painful emotions are the normal part of life. In fact, stressful events are part and parcel of everyday life. Your mental and emotional wellbeing get compromised with painful experiences of disappointment, failure and grief.
But as a person with an adequate level of psychological wellbeing, you are open to experience stressors, not letting it interferes with your functioning. You perceive yourselves positively across the life course that helps you cope better with unexpected hurdles.
In short, without psychological wellbeing, you cannot function effectively.
Fostering psychological wellbeing
Individuals vary widely in their levels of psychological wellbeing as it is greatly affected by social factors and surrounding environment.
Easier to said than done, achieving psychological wellbeing and maintaining it throughout life isn’t easy.
While you can’t completely flip your mindset overnight, still with few steps it’s possible to maintain an optimal level of psychological wellbeing.
As mentioned above, living a life with purpose is a key to improve your psychological health. This doesn’t necessarily mean you should change the world or become great influencer. Your purpose might be small like taking care of a family member, earing better living or helping people in need. The idea is do something worthy that can add value to your own and other’s life.
Once you find your purpose, you can easily get in touch with like-minded people. It is a good way to share ideas and foster social relationships. But be careful because the quality of relationships matter more than the quantity when it comes to psychological wellbeing.
No matter what life offers to you, there is always something you should be grateful for. It’s easy to take for granted so much of what you have been blessed with in your life.
Let’s remember to be grateful!
Also Check : Power Of Gratitude For Good Mental Health
Your wellbeing is a lifelong journey. Don’t wait to prioritize your psychological wellness now to craft better life experiences.
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