
Understanding Pattern Of Worries Across The Lifespan

Worry is the sense of insecurity leading to uneasiness and discomfort. A certain level of worry is normal in everyone’s life. But when become excessive, worry can provoke chronic anxiety.

Yes, worry is considered as one of the most unpleasant emotions that lead to constant fear and unrealistic concerns. 

We all worry at some point in our life. We all are concerned about health, money, future, job security, relationship and academics. 

However, some people worry more than others and intensity can change as per age, gender, profession and social status.

Worries for children

For children, parents are their world. Therefore, children always concern about getting separated from parents and idea of living alone. Children have their imaginary world of monster or ghost that makes them frighten especially in a dark.

When it comes to academics, not all children are found of school. For most children, school is a boring place where teacher scold for incomplete homework or schoolmate bullies for unnecessary things. Children start to think that teacher or schoolmate don’t like him/her. Children who are not good at study always worry about performing poor in academic assessment. They have a constant fear that parents or teacher will scold for bad performance.

For children who are unable to make friends have inferiority complex and always found themselves as left out from a friend circle. They have irrational feeling that my friends do not like to play with me because either I am not skilled enough to play or they just hate me.

As the children enter in teenage phase, they get more concerned about academic performance, body image and relationship status. Teenagers always have a feeling that people should appreciate them for ideal values.

For teenagers who are academically bright are persistently worried about scoring good marks in every examination. They concern about people’s criticism if unable to give better performance in academic. Thought regarding getting failed or scoring average grade in an examination can cause trouble among teenager. They are worried about getting an admission in desired stream and upcoming job opportunities.

Teenagers are more concerned about body image and dressing sense. Body shaming issues like dark complexion, short stature, obesity etc. becomes a vicious cycle of judgement and criticism.

In these years, teenagers are more concerns about their relationship. Lack of maturity and frequent break-ups leads to several mistakes and confusion in teenage relationship.

Worries for adulthood

Adulthood is a call for financial independence and upcoming family responsibilities. At this phase, a person is more worried about getting a desired job in this highly competitive world, fulfilling expectations of parents, finding an ideal life partner and getting sustain into relationship.

Whether a person is successful or failure, people will always judge him/her for behavior and living status. People in their adulthood find it difficult to cope with people’s judgment. Bad remark from people is a cause of emotional pain and constant worry in adulthood.

Worries for adult

An adult person as professional and as parents have own set of worries. As an employee, a person is always concerned about work pressure, meeting deadline and adjustment issues. Completing a task in a given span of time and inability to handle an increase in workload are always be the reason for worry among professionals. In addition to this, concern about the reaction of team members if work is not done according to expectations and fear of losing job aggravate worries.

If the person is a businessman then ups and downs in businesses, economic slowdown, inability to modify business pattern and unhappy customers all call for worry.

Fretting about the future with a thought of paying bills, rent, EMI and school fees consume the mind of the person, especially if he/she is in financial trouble. The extreme thinking of staying unemployed forever, losing home and family assets further aggravate stress and worries.

Adult in a relationship when face a problem of cheating on by partner, separation and divorce become a victim of isolation. Such situations usually call for inability to face people and social withdrawal.

As a parent, it’s natural to want to protect your children and make sure everything good happens with them. Adult as a parent could experience mental stress if their children are unable to perform well in academics, incapable to get dream jobs or indulge in the bad company.

As a responsible person from a family, adult is worried about survival of family if something unexpected happens or dealing with a health problem in a family member.

Worries in old age

Though old age is full of life experiences, still elder people have their own set of worries and anxieties. For most of the senior, imagination of being alone after retirement or loss of spouse could be a reason for worry.

An idea of becoming dependable due to weaken eyesight, painful joints and inability to perform routine work keep stirring up fear. Declining health in old age means need for daily assistance from someone else. If the elder is running out of a fund, covering basic expense and payment of medical bills become a reason for worry among elder.


Mediclin Brain Health’s content is for informational and educational purposes only. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 

Dr. Minakshi Kadu

Clinical Research Consultant & Blogger

Mediclin Brain Health

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