In the current era of modernization, major depression is a concerning health issue. Though the disease can affect anyone irrespective of age, religion or gender, it is more common in women.
Research studies conducted across the world support the fact that depression is more prevalent in women compared to men.
In fact, women are about twice as likely as men to experience depression during their lifetime.
But the question is why do women are at greater risk for developing depression?
Responsibility for multiple roles
Whether she is working women or housewife, woman have to play multiple roles in her life.
As a woman, she has to look after her family and relatives. Depending on her relationship, everyone from family expects the different kind of service from her. Apart from daily household chores, women are more likely to be a caregiver for young children and elders in the family.
If the woman is working, work load gets further added with outdoor responsibilities including office work and management of financial constraints. Working woman always finds it difficult to balance family responsibilities and work pressure.
In this fast paced frantic world, pressure created by multiple role account for woman’s poor mental health. Woman feel continuously burdened and experienced sadness and helplessness.
Moreover, woman tend to be more invested in relationship and therefore, much affected by relationship problems. Woman derive meaning to her life from her family relationship. Whenever there are relationship issues such as domestic violence, being separated, divorce, conflict, widows and single parenting there is a high risk of depression.
Sometimes family problems tend to linger beyond the acute phase of depression, although may get improved with time.
In social culture, where woman is supposed to be a backbone of home, female always become a victim of blame whenever something goes wrong in family. She starts to feel helpless, alone and vulnerable.
Low or subordinate social status
Social life plays significant role in everyone’s life. Few decades ago, women have been considered weak in terms of personality and emotional aspects.
Because of child-bearing nature, women were supposed to handle household chores and take care of family and children. Though the scenario is changing now, and women are breaking age old stereotypes but the gender discrimination is still common in almost all walks of life.
Whether it is home or workplace, woman is usually considered as inferior to man. Woman who is financially dependent on other family members usually experience inferiority, a sense of loss, humiliation and entrapment leading to feeling of sadness.
Even if woman is educated and employed, she has to face problems of professional struggles, low income status and lack of employment contributing to development of depression.
Apart from dependency issues, social aspects like lifestyle, career and financial status are worrisome for most of the women. Women belonging to low socio-economic background and low income status always found it difficult to get to adjust with friends from well doing family. Most women are much concerned about appearance, clothing style, accessories and belongings.
Now-a-day, body image has become a reason for psychological pain among women, especially teenage girls. Inability to meet these social aspect makes women to feel little down and initiates inferiority complex.
Traditional upbringing of a girl makes women sensitive by nature that has an implication in developing depression. Feeling neglected in family environment; being not appreciated for her efforts; a sense of having little control over traumatic life events and indulgence in excessive worrying reduces self-esteem and subsequently leads to sad feeling.
In such scenario, women tended to doubt themselves and start to feel insecure. These emotional characteristics enhance the negative impact of stressful events and interfere with the coping mechanism.
Hormonal changes
Women experience significant fluctuation in hormonal levels at different phases of life. Hormonal changes particularly during puberty, prior to menstruation, following pregnancy and at a post-menopausal period are important triggers for depression among women.
Hormonal changes accompanying during these periods can bring on mood changes similar to those that occur in depression.
Women are supposed to live longer compared to men. In this case, death of spouse; moving from work to retirement or dealing with chronic illness leads to significant distress in women. Therefore, many elder women are susceptible to loneliness in the later part of their life. Though some women are capable to regain emotional balance, all are not able to stay mentally strong and subsequently succumb to depression.
Whether it is men or women, depression is serious mental illness and addressing it at its initial stage is immensely necessary. Don’t let the things go as usual considering this as a normal part of life. Not every sadness is manageable at home. Sometime you need expert opinion and medical management that can take proper care of your mental health.
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