
Importance Of Friendship For Mental Health

Close tie with friends is always good for our mental health.


Well, friendship is always taken for granted because it comes free. But very few of us aware the power of meaningful friendships, especially as we grow. 

Do you know social relationship is the most important source of meaning, purpose and motivation to live quality life? 

In fact, good friendship is the only strong sign of health and happiness. 

Friendship brings a great social life

Social connections are as necessary to humans as food and water. We are profoundly shaped by the people around us, and when our social bonds are strong we experience emotional wellness. 

Daily interactions with friends and talk about T.V. shows, current affairs or even gossiping makes us feel like we are part of something. These daily interactions enhance feelings of trust and bonding. 

From simply hanging out for chit-chatting or going out for refreshment, friends occupy all important aspects of our life.

Being social and spending time with others brings a greater sense of meaning and stronger sense of purpose in life. And if this friendship is supported with emotional closeness and admiration, this allows us to develop our sense of identity.

True friends are blessings

A true friend is someone you trust and with whom you share a deep level of understanding and communication. Trust, respect, and mutual support are the foundations of good friendships.  Good friends provide emotional benefits such as feeling valued, having support, or enjoying the companionship that comes from mutual trust and shared time. 

Sharing our experiences can open our eyes to new ideas and way to think about the world. This brings fresh perspective and helps us to learn new things. Face to face interaction and expressing an opinion shape our experiences and existence.

No doubt, sharing similar interest and indulging in similar activities is a delightful experience. Sharing stories that ignite laughter and good cheer are always refreshing. 

It is all about sharing feelings, making memories, laughing together, and most importantly helping each other. Engaging in these precious moments with friends feels really good when we know that there is always someone who is having our back. 

Yes, spending quality time with friends makes a big difference when it comes to happiness.

Maintaining a network of close friends and engaging in social activities can reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness. 

Moreover, spending quality time with friends who appreciate and value us for who we are can boost self-esteem and self-worth. This makes our life worth living.

This sense of connectedness in the form of sharing our concerns, expressing feelings, and seeking advice has been shown to have therapeutic effects. Feeling heard and understood by friends provides valuable emotional support. 

A true friend lifts our spirits and guides us through the highs and lows, making every moment an adventure worthwhile in life. 

Friends can make a world of difference in our life’s journey. The role of a friend is undoubtedly influential. Good friends enrich our lives in so many ways. With similarities and differences, friends offer us the opportunity to grow well.

Keeping friendship alive and healthy

We all know how important friends are. But despite this awareness, many of us struggle to make friends or stay in touch with them.

We meet with different people, but able to connect with very few of them. Establishing a friendship is easy, but keeping it, and carrying it on is the most difficult thing.

Yes, for some people friendship happens organically, without efforts. While for others friendship takes efforts. Even you are good at making friends easily, but it can get hard maintaining them as you grow older and your schedules and priorities shift.

Whatever the circumstances, it’s never too late to make new friends or reconnect with old ones. Friendship can happen in a number of ways. 

Reconnecting with old friends by planning social outings, celebrating milestone and creating memories add depth and richness to existing friendship.

While for new acquaintances, paying attention when you experience moments of connection and taking a step toward building friendship may work well. 

A simple text conversation to find out how they’re doing and letting them know you’re thinking of them can go a long way toward making someone feel thought of.

Yes, sometimes we have to put ourselves out there and try. Our most important and powerful connections happen when we spend quality time together. 

You see, friendship is the most beautiful thing that a person can ever cultivate. True friends are those who help each other in every stage of their lives. If nurture well, friendship is one of the purest and kindest relationship.


Mediclin Brain Health’s content is for informational and educational purposes only. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 

Dr. Minakshi Kadu

Clinical Research Consultant & Blogger

Mediclin Brain Health

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