
It’s Okay To Feel Sad For No Reason  

Have you ever experienced feeling upset when there is apparently no reason?  Perhaps you may feel an inner burst even if you are in company of your loved ones. 

Many times you just feel a lack of interest even if you are doing pretty well in your life. You are not able to think creatively in spite of having plentiful resources handy. You want to stay alone undisturbed by life’s expectations and ongoing conversations. 

Feeling sad, lost or having low mood is extremely normal condition experienced by human at least one point in a life. Likewise, other emotions, feeling “off” is one of the natural emotion generated in human mind. 

On the surface level, it may appear that there is no significant reason to make you unhappy. However, knowingly or unknowingly, there could be several possible explanations for being feeling sad without apparent reason.

The first and foremost reason to experience sadness is excessive guilt.

To err is human. 

Yes, all people do mistakes at some point in their lifetime. But unfortunately for most of them, this becomes a bothering issue, especially when mistake turned out as a major blunder or loss. This leads to a phase of overthinking and constant feeling of guilt.

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Guilt associated with negative past experiences or bad memories of life usually makes you feel unhappy. You feel irreparably broken, unsupported and unworthy. You even reach to a decision that nothing is left in your life and there is a lack in any real sense of joy. 

The frequent resurfacing of past unresolved/bothering issues can be experienced in the form of profound sadness.

This is followed by fear of uncertainty. 

As the most people overthink about the past, there are other types of people who mostly pre-occupied with the thoughts of future. 

Yes, each one of us experiences fear of uncertainty because the future is always unpredictable. Still you think excessively over every aspect of your future life or overestimate the likelihood of bad consequences in coming years. This enhances the feeling that you don’t have enough information to make accurate prediction. 

Inability on your part to control future circumstances can further increases anxiety. Though sometime fear is good for human but excessive worrying for the future makes you tense. Excessive thinking about career, family, friends, relationship and life expectations enhances the feeling of sadness without reason. 

You may experience extreme sadness if you are staying alone. Feeling of loneliness, being left out by friends and unsupported by loved ones really bother you. In such scenario, you are more concerned about uncertainties of future.

It’s a human nature to always compare our life with others. Therefore, feeling jealous about those who are more beautiful, intelligent, successful, popular and achievers is an unavoidable human behavioral response. Getting envy with a simple look at the happy family picture or breathtaking performance of others is a very common experience. 

Though you are cherishing and appreciating their efforts, somewhere you are constantly comparing your own behind the scenes with best and bright highlights of other people. There is a constant feeling of personal dissatisfaction in the life. This unfortunately leads to anxiety, poor self-esteem, body shaming, loneliness and subsequently sadness. A constant thought of unsatisfied life enhances feeling of inadequacy making life miserable. 

This darker side of constant comparison enhances insecurity, and you become concerned about missing of important things in life. This fear of missing out (FOMO) is basically anxiety or apprehension inducing feeling of missing out of experience that others are perceived to be having. 

Apart from this, certain medical conditions can be a reason for persistent sadness and therefore, need clinical evaluation from an expert. 

Depression, hormonal changes and sleep problems are few of them. 

Gradual development of depression over extensive period of time can cause significantly low mood. This sadness can be an indicator of stress build-up inside a person.

For a woman, feeling sad may be related to hormonal changes taking place in her body. Hormonal fluctuation during menstrual cycle is the prime reason to experience sad mood during a  pre-menstrual period as well as during menopause.

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Likewise, lack of sleep or disturbed sleep routine may enhance feeling of being unhappy.

Thus feeling unhappy is normal on most of the occasion. We all feel sad time to time. There is nothing wrong to have such emotion. However, not knowing the exact reason or trying to push such a feeling away makes you to suffer more in the long run. If not properly addressed, this sadness could disturb your mental health too. 

Find out the category which best defines the reason for your sadness. There must be something that is bothering you and making you to feel sad. Once you figure out, you can develop your own coping mechanism to overcome the situation. Exploring the depth of situation; figuring out causes and dealing with them proves beneficial both emotionally and physically.


Mediclin Brain Health’s content is for informational and educational purposes only. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 

Dr. Minakshi Kadu

Clinical Research Consultant & Blogger

Mediclin Brain Health

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