Everyone wants to become famous for good work.
And why one should not?
Being famous means having millions of dollars in a bank account, millions of fan followers, getting welcomed by everyone, getting admired and recognized by people.
Yes, people are interested in the star life and desire to be a famous.
In fact, fame is a fascinating subject. The glitz, glamour, and the power that comes with being a popular can allure many of us. Everyone would like to become famous. Being popular is something many people aspire to.
The perk of being popular
Popularity is defined as the quality or state of being liked by many people. It is a quality of being having a lot of friends and admirers. Popularity is how much a person, idea, place, item or other concept is either liked or accorded status by other people.
The fact that something or someone is liked, enjoyed, or supported by many people is very humbling experience.
It can be described in terms of acceptance, acclaim, fame, fan following and reputation.
Enjoying huge popularity for noble work is always appreciated in our society.
The desire for popularity has its roots in the experience of living a grand life. It is widely believed that famous people have a wonderful life. Simply being famous has its own advantages.
It is always a pleasure to feel that you are admired for your work and contribution. It feels so appealing, and it also put you in secure position. Popularity can give a you a sense of importance, belonging and validation, as you are often sought after and admired by others. You become a subject of praise and admiration. The sense that the world is paying attention towards your work is fabulous.
Popularity is something most of us dream of. Generally, fame brings a lot of fortune. Millions of people respecting you for your good work is an amazing experience. Obviously, the greatest advantage of being famous is getting recognized locally and globally. Therefore, you are invited to celebrations, parties and events.
Being popular can lead to more invitations to events or celebrations, which can provide opportunities to meet new people and expand your social circle.
Being popular also means you get a special treatment wherever you go. From the special seat at award function to special attention at an airport, you were given the advantage of being preferred person.
Being famous generally means being richer. One of the very obvious advantages of being famous is that fame brings lots of fortune in terms of money and financial health. Popular people make money easily.
In terms of money, famous people are able to generate a reputation and continue to be a brand seller that expands your wealth.
Famous people are recognized everywhere they go. It can be a great opportunity to enhance social connectivity. Being recognized, spotted, and pictured is quite a good experience. It can feel good when everyone recognizes and respects you.
Famous people are always surrounded by fans. These are the people who adore and respect their celebrity idols. They are a real-life admirer. Famous people are always loved by others. Appreciation from fans is inspirational and motivational.
Being famous is an opportunity to enhance social connections, professional growth and family ties. Being famous definitely opens many doors in life. Popularity can lead to access to resources, such as more professional opportunities.
Popular people are the drivers of a lot of social actions. Frequently extroverted, they attract and are attracted to attention, from range of people. The desire towards popularity can be strong, as this gives high self-esteem, and high social status.
You can influence people in a good way when you have a big platform. It is easier to be heard and spread right massage to the people. Being an influential personality, you can change people’s lives for the better. Your words will be taken very seriously. Your happiness will become the focus of everyone’s efforts.
Being well-liked and well-respected by many people means always being able to socialize with many different people.
Being popular is hugely rewarding. You can be a people’s favorite, make huge money and live grandiose lifestyle. Being popular means you are remembered, thought about, perhaps liked, maybe even loved.
Popular people live longer.
Yes, popular people have a longevity advantage. These people feel good about their own accomplishment and hence are not threatened by the accomplishment of others.
Being popular can boost a person’s self-esteem and confidence, as they feel valued and accepted by their peers. Being well-known and well-liked among people can mean living a meaningful and worthy to live life.
Being popular means social, connected with large network of friends and family that predicts longer lifespan.
Digital popularity
Digital popularity has tangible benefits for an individual. Cultivating a bigger digital audience means carefully crafting the right message. The bigger the audience, the more perfect that message must be. Bigger audiences can help spread the word and reap great rewards in terms of money, respect, and admiration.
However, popularity is a double-edged sword. Things are not as rosy as they seem. Popularity has many downsides too and there is no denying that. Being a role model brings an undue mental pressure. And once you embark on this path; you cannot return.
Being famous, you can’t enjoy privacy anywhere because “paparazzi” follow you all time. Even you are socially connected, you will miss out on real friendship and unconditional love.
Still advantages of being popular weigh a disadvantage.
When popularity is linked to kindness, benevolent behavior, it confers the greatest benefits.
In conclusion, popularity is blessing if you handle it properly.
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