“I am depressed, I don’t want to talk now.”
“People are neglecting me. I am feeling depressed.”
“My job is very stressful, therefore I am depressed.”
You might have heard such conversation from your family members, friends or colleagues. These days people are using word “depression” very casually thinking it as a common terminology for upset mood.
But have you ever wonder why doctors insist that depression needs urgent attention and proper treatment?
If “feeling sad” and “depression” are one and the same thing, why depression is associated with stigma.
Yes, sadness and depression share some traits but are different thing. There is significant difference between feeling sad and depression. The term “depressed” is often misused and self-reported as for sadness.
Understanding this difference is extremely important because clinical depression needs management from mental health experts.
Each one of us experiences difficulties in life. Most of the time we struggle to overcome challenging situations. The associated failure, disappointment and guilt all impact our mood in a negative way. At the same time, getting entangled in the cycle of criticism, judgement and blame game further enhances feeling of helplessness.
Thus, sadness (upset mood or feeling low) is normal human emotion that all people feel at a certain time during their lives. It is a natural reaction to a situation that cause an emotional upset.
Difficult life events such as job loss, financial hardship, workplace conflict, lack of future opportunities and relationship issues always make us stressful and sad.
However, in the phase of sadness, certain pleasurable moments make us laugh and happy. Sadness can be relieved by crying, exercising or sharing feelings.
Like other emotions, sadness is temporary. It fades ways with time or resolved, and we successfully recover our sense of well-being. We bounce back to our routine when everything started to fall in right place. Overcoming such kind of feelings requires positive mindset and desire for self-improvement.
Normal sadness usually doesn’t need professional treatment. Simple lifestyle changes such as healthy eating, exercising, managing stress level and proper sleep all are sufficient to regulate our emotions.
Along with that building positive frame of mind, surrounding with supportive people network, are best ways to overcome sadness.
If sadness lasts for prolonged period or continues to intensify, there can be a strong possibility of depression.
Depression is more than just experiencing sadness. It is one of the most common long-term mental illness occurring globally.
Depression (major depressive disorder or clinical depression) is a serious mood disorder that affects the way person feel, think and handle daily activities. Sadness in depression is persistent and refuses to leave.
Research studies noted that depression is caused by a combination of genetic, biological, environmental and psychological factors. A family history of depression, major life events (trauma, stress, loss) and chronic physical illness enhances vulnerability for developing depression.
Workplace environment , emotional sensitivity, relationship difficulties and abnormal changes in brain chemistry are major risk factors for developing depression.
Apart from just feeling sad, depressed person experiences difficulties in concentrating, remembering and decision making. There are delayed responses during conservation, loss of interest or pleasure in previously enjoyable hobbies or activities, withdrawal from social engagement, changes in sleeping and eating habits, unintentional weight loss or weight gain and tendency for self-harm behavior.
With persistent gloomy mood, it becomes hard for a person to find enjoyment in anything.
A sad person may experience some of the above mentioned symptoms of depression. But in depression these symptoms last more than two weeks.
Depression impairs almost every aspect of life such as family, health, education, career and social circle. It is associated with loss of productivity, conflicts in relationships, neglect in personal hygiene and self-care. It could worsen chronic health conditions and indulgence in high-risk activities.
Living with depression is quite challenging. Clinical depression is only diagnosed by mental health experts based on several diagnostic criteria. Psychiatric evaluation involving assessment of person’s mood, thoughts, feelings, and key behavior play crucial role in diagnosis of depression.
Working with doctor to customize effective treatment plan help to improve quality of life. The earlier the treatment begins; the more effective is the response. Many symptoms of depression respond well to medications and psychotherapies.
In summary, sadness is temporary. But if this sadness is persistent and disruptive to our life, then there is strong possibility of depression.
So, from next time be careful while using the term depression for normal sadness.
Mediclin Brain Health’s content is for informational and educational purposes only. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.