
Adoption Of Healthy Lifestyle : A Journey Towards Wellness

There is no denial that healthy lifestyle behaviors are related to quality life. The benefits are numerous, including less stress and more health. Other benefits include prevention of chronic illnesses and improved psychological well-being.

Although much is known about the importance of good lifestyle in connection with wellness, people are still reluctant in adopting this in real life. Excuses are endless and being busy is the most common one. 

Yes, for many of us, hectic schedule is doing injustice to our own health. On one hand, we are unable to adopt healthy lifestyle and on the other side, we are slowly becoming victim of chronic illnesses. Heart diseases, obesity, diabetes, anxiety and depression all are taking significant toll on our overall health.

All of us are aware that the risk of developing chronic illnesses is decisively affected by lifestyle choices. Moreover, the psychological and monetary costs of unhealthy lifestyle are huge.

Then the question is, how can we imbibe healthy choices in routine without scarifying our work schedule? Is it really possible? 

The answer is yes. 

We don’t need to take out extra minutes from our routine or hit the gym. There is no need to count calories every time we look after the food. And the most important thing is no need of purchasing products claimed to be healthy.

Then what do we need exactly to stay healthy?

We just need to be mindful throughout our day and make some conscious choices. Some simple and easy tips are much more beneficial and cost-effective too.

Let’s see how we can make healthy choices throughout a day.

We can use stairs every time instead of an elevator, whether we are in office or mall. We can take a walk while we are talking with someone on a phone or going for purchasing groceries or nearby areas. It’s always better to park car at some distance so that we have to take some walk. We can do some stretches while sitting in the chair and take breaks from work at regular intervals.

When it comes to our food,  it is better to choose food rich in fiber, proteins, and greens. We can replace fizzy drinks, tea and coffee with water or a glass of juice. 

Unplugging from gadgets and enjoying natural elements like beautiful scenery, sunshine or chirping of birds is always good. Pursuing hobbies like singing, reading, music, gardening, dancing, cycling, swimming or cooking in our free time are mood boosting.

Socializing with good people around us and sharing our feelings with trust-worthy people is better for mental health. Journaling our thoughts instead of thinking too much about something reduce intensity of mental chatter.

Listening to podcasts or watching good content videos in our free time helps to broaden our perspective of seeing good in every situation.

After taking a look on this activities, do you think making healthy lifestyle choices is really difficult? 

These are just few examples, but there are many healthy decisions we can take, and it is up to us how we make them.

Here one point to note is that healthy lifestyle is not only restricted to good nutrition or physical activity. It also encompasses health-promoting behaviors such as an adequate rest, handling emotions, maintaining social connectivity, life satisfaction and fulfillment.

Replacement is better than re-learning

For most of the people, unlearning old unhealthy habits and re-learning new good ones is challenging task. No matter how hard they try, they can’t continue with them for long run. Even the most comprehensive lifestyle plan with detailed instructions can still fail. 

Ultimately, the poor outcomes prone these people to continue with old unhealthy habits. 

But here the intention is to replace our sedentary life with more physical activities, mindless eating with nutritious diet and unnecessary activities with meaningful tasks.

In general, adopting a good lifestyle means selecting healthy over unhealthy. This brings a strong and well-balanced perspective about life too. Happy mind in a healthy body helps to achieve a state of wellness.

The term “wellness” is self-explanatory. It is more than just being healthy. With wellness, we have a positive approach to living and ability to take responsibility for our own health.

Don’t you think, if we focus on the right kind of choices, this gives us the power to turn our knowledge about lifestyle into reality of health and wellness?

Once we follow these few simple steps, making better healthy choices is easy. We just need a sense of control over our own decisions.


Mediclin Brain Health’s content is for informational and educational purposes only. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 

Dr. Minakshi Kadu

Clinical Research Consultant & Blogger

Mediclin Brain Health

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