
Benefits Of Yoga For Mental Health

When we discuss the beneficial effects linked to regular exercise, physical health benefits are certainly abundant and noteworthy.

But at the same time, it is important to recognize the fact that exercise is really great for your psychological well-being too.

In last few decades, mental health is a rising public health issue that is in need of accessible and effective intervention. People around the world are facing challenges of mental distress. A high level of stress is associated with decreased well-being, work impairment, and adverse socioeconomic effects. 

Fortunately with the rise in awareness about mental health, people are seeking solutions that would be remarkably helpful to build mental resilience.

In this era of exponential growth, people are always looking for new and effective ways to improve their mental health. Among these, yoga has become a great addition to exercise regime for its mental health benefits. 

But do you know why yoga is becoming increasingly popular as a way to improve mental health?

Talking about yoga

Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that brings abundant health benefits for body and mind. Yoga means “union” and refer to the interconnectedness of body and mind. 

With its origin in India, this holistic health approach emphasizes on body-mind connectedness through various postures, relaxation techniques and meditation. 

Through this integrated approach, yoga therapy works to bring balance and harmony to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health. 

With so much research on its effectiveness, yoga is proven as best preventive and cost-effective approach to enhance health and wellness. 

Yoga for mental health

There is no secret that regular practice of yoga is good for emotional regulation. 

Focusing your attention on breath, the movements and challenging yoga poses bring your awareness back to the present moment. This keeps conflicting thoughts and distraction at bay.

Shallow breathing techniques help to free the mind from distraction, confusion, panic, fear and worries. 

Therefore, yoga is an excellent choice for people who have been struggling for attention and focus. 

When the mind is calm and free from mental distraction, it becomes easier to concentrate on the things that really matter to you. 

A relaxed body and a focused mind create an ideal state to flourish in your area of interest. It even makes your brain less sensitive to stressful situation by allowing you to detach from negative thoughts without resistance.

Thinking of new approaches and exploration of new ideas is possible only when mind is peaceful.

In addition to calming the mind, yoga postures help to increase body circulation. The increased blood flow to various areas of the brain enhances better utilization of oxygen and glucose by brain cells. This in turn increases release of certain neurotransmitter in the circulation.

Endorphin, a feel-good hormone, is one of the such neurotransmitter that is responsible for improving mood and state of mental well-being.

Yoga postures release the built-up muscle tension and relax the body in a substantial way. When yoga is a main form of exercise, it helps to 

strengthen the muscles and brings positive change in body physique. These yogic Asanas symbolizes humility, stability, balance and grace, which help to build better self-esteem.

Physical transformation in the form of an erects posture, toned body and well-defined muscles make you feel emotionally better. This cultivation of body awareness builds confidence and brings positive outlook towards life. 

Inculcating self-awareness makes you feel better about your life, and put things into perspective by appreciating what’s really important.

Thus, yoga helps to develop an insight to embrace life experiences in more meaningful ways.

You see , a small alteration in your lifestyle with addition of yoga can create wonders.

The beneficial effects of yoga are enormous. However, everybody is different and their physicality too. Therefore, types of Asanas and their benefits may vary from person to person. Not to mention the fact that you should be in your best physical condition to practice yogic Asasnas.

It would be better to seek your doctor’s advice before doing any Asanas and practice them under the guidance of trainers. It is good idea to reserve a fixed time for yoga to gain maximum health benefits. Just ensure that you are giving enough attention to yogic movements and listen to your body.

And with so many studies now showing that yoga can improve your mental health, it’s no wonder that millions of people are incorporating this ancient practice into their lives.

So, if you’re looking for a way to improve mental health, then look no further than yoga.

Also Check : Nurturing Mental Health


Mediclin Brain Health’s content is for informational and educational purposes only. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Dr. Minakshi Kadu

Clinical Research Consultant & Blogger

Mediclin Brain Health

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