We all know that we feel happy when good things happened to us. These could be simple things like when our passion meets with a profession; a good pay check at the end of the month; reunion with old friends; spending quality time with family; getting promoted at a workplace; getting admired for qualities so on and so forth.
But do you think this happiness stays with you for long duration?
Definitely not…
Let’s make it more clear with one real life example.
Suppose you are spending your weekend holiday with your family at an exotic resort.
Away from hustle and bustle of city, you are relaxing in the lap of Mother Nature.
On that fine evening, your kids are playing in the park. You are enjoying the aroma of coffee and just praising the ambiance of resort with your partner. Everything is so soothing. Everything is so comforting. Everything is making you feel content and happy.
At this exact time, your mobile started to buzz. You are trying to check out for notification. It’s an urgent email from your boss saying that something wrong has happened at your workplace. Your client is not happy with your product. Your client has broken all important deals with your company.
Now your mind started to race asking you why were things go wrong? What if, I need to give clarification for all this? Why does it happen only to me? etc…
The resort ambiance is still good…The coffee is still hot…Your kids are still happily playing…Your partner is still feeling good.
But does your state of mind is still same?
May not be.
With just one email, you have fallen from the cloud nine of happiness to an ocean of deep sea within no time.
It’s take hardly less than one minute to change your state of mind.
How many of you can relate this?
The situation might be different or people might be different.
This is the common phenomenon many of us face in our day to day life when we are in a good mood but suddenly unexpected thing happens that take away our happiness.
This clearly shows that happiness is a state of mind and changes according to situations in life.
Not surprisingly, many things in our life are not in our control and so does the happiness too.
Now, what should you do to stay happy without getting too much affected by the situation? After all, happiness is one of the things that we all are chasing for.
See, instead of pursuing for happiness, first learn some simple facts about our life.
Life may not always go as we planned. Unexpected things are going to happen at any phase. Ups and downs are common so does success and failure and so does happiness and sadness too.
After accepting these realities of life, invest your time on building mental resilience.
Building mental resilience to cultivate a sense of happiness
Now, the next question is what is mental resilience and how it is connected with happiness?
Well, actually mental resilience is an ability of a person to accept the life as it is. This mastery helps to overcome challenging situations and revert back from adversity as soon as possible.
Also Check : The Core Concept Of Mental Health
An optimistic outlook to look at life, adapting to changes and uncertainty, non-judgemental attitude, high self-esteem and emotional regulations make an individual a mentally resilient person.
When you are mentally resilient, you don’t run behind happiness. Instead, you take aresponsibility for your feelings and actions without getting affected by the situation.
When you are in the right frame of your mind, you always see the positive side of life. You expect things to turn out well and believe that you have the ability to make good things happen. You see beauty in every little thing and seek opportunities and solutions. This enhances feelings of control, sense of achievement and subsequently happiness too.
Also Check : Embracing Optimism For Mental Well-being
Don’t you think the more you take the charge of your mental wellness, the more you will be able to live life peacefully and happily?
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