
Embracing Optimism For Mental Well-being

An optimism is something we’d all like to have. While some people are naturally being positive, an optimism isn’t necessarily something we’re born with. 

There are many reasons why it’s important to nurture a sense of optimism. Perhaps it is one of the most valuable attributes a person can have.

Yes, the effectiveness of optimism as a tool for better mental health is scientifically proven. 

What does it mean?

Psychologically, optimism is considered as an attitude, where an individual anticipates future outcomes to be favorable. It is a quality of being full of hope with emphasis on focusing positive aspect of the life. 

Does it mean optimism deals with positive thinking only?


Optimism is far beyond positive thinking

Yes, optimism isn’t just about ‘positive thinking’. It does not mean one should always stay joyful. It’s not about looking an inspirational quote to make us feel better. In fact, optimism is not about smiling when we are not feeling good. Even it does not necessarily mean avoiding bad situations or ignoring negative feelings. 

Instead, it is a broad term that involves nurturing hope, even when everything seems wrong. Rather it involves understanding the situation, accepting emotions and giving our best to make the most out of the bad situation.

Life’s a journey full with ups and downs. And there is time we get worried about the future. Staying happy is never easy, especially when we are uncertain about where we’re going. 

When path is unclear, it’s natural to get anxious. It’s common to get entangled in a vicious cycle of negative thinking or even expect worst for the future. 

When we think about our life, we mostly focus on the difficulties we faced or challenges that might encounter in the future. Perhaps our mind is programmed to focus on narratives of tragedy only.

Advice like “everything will be fine” or “just be positive” is often unwelcomed for a good reason.

Yes, life comes with unpredictable things, and we all struggle during our bad days. It’s natural to feel disappointed and experience full range of negative emotions. Although we try to function well on the outside, but inside our world is breaking down.

And this is where a sense of optimism plays a significant role. 

Also Check : Navigating A World Of Emotions

Optimism foster hope, health and mental wellness

In reality, optimism could serve several purposes. 

Positive and negative expectations regarding the future can play a significant role in shaping quality life. At first glance, optimism can boost hope for future. Shifting our focus on something good is a great way to re-orient our thinking.

Naturally, optimism reframe our thinking pattern and provide a shield for negativity. This allows us to stay flexible enough to change our behavior in the present because we want to experience a better future. 

We now know that thinking can change our behavior that can have influence on other areas of our life. Subsequently, it gives us the opportunity to figure out solutions and helps us to navigate through tough time smoothly.

Dominantly positive outlook on the future can play a significant role in improved mood, consistency, perseverance, efficient problem-solving and even professional success. It gives us more opportunities to fulfill our aspirations.

Either way when we demonstrate an optimism, we welcome positive vibes and better future outcomes.

With optimism, we start to consider our life as meaningful and worthy to live, which subsequently gives higher feeling of self-worth. When we start to respect ourselves, it’s become easy to maintain good connection with inner self.  This entails us to take steps that ensure our health and mental wellness. 

Also Check : The Core Concept Of Mental Health

Obviously, optimistic people are more likely to engage in healthy behavior including healthy eating, physical exercise and socialization. A propensity towards a healthier lifestyle means optimistic people are likely to enjoy healthier lives.

You see; optimism predicts excellence in every domain of life.

In truth, optimism forces us to consider what we care about and value. This brings increased life satisfaction and improved social functioning. 

As we can see, the beneficial effects of optimism are real and therefore, cultivating realistic amount of optimism is necessary to enjoy fulfilled life.


Mediclin Brain Health’s content is for informational and educational purposes only. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Dr. Minakshi Kadu

Clinical Research Consultant & Blogger

Mediclin Brain Health

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